Vision of SNEHA: A World where everyone has a peaceful, dignified life.
Mission of SNEHA: To work with marginalised, vulnerable sections of the society through education, health and socio-economic development interventions.
Legal Status
SNEHA has Legal Status as per law of the land with Registration under Karnataka Societies Registration Act-1960, Income Tax Act-1961, Foreign Contribution Regulation Act-2010, Professional Tax Act.
SNEHA is initiated by T. Ramanjaneya, the present Chief Functionary/Executive Director of SNEHA, is basically an engineering graduate and started his career as a grass root level worker. He has considerable amount of experience in working for the development of children, women and especially for Devadasi communities. He has good knowledge and skills in community organising and mobilisation, education and advocacy related activities.
SNEHA started its work during 1993 and Early Childhood Care and Education is the primary focus of SNEHA for a period of 5-6 years in the beginning and then started to address the issue of child labour in the area. At present, SNEHA is engaged in capacity building of rural communities to ensure their participation in development of Anganwadi Centres and government schools for enrolment, retention and quality education for children of 3-16 years. And is engaged in organising adolescent girls from Devadasi and dalith families and capacitate them to protect and prevent themselves from child marriage, sexual abuse/exploitation and gender-based violence. Organising of Devadasi and dalith women for socio-economic development and to get rightful share in government programs-housing, ration cards, monthly pension etc.,
SNEHA started its work with service-based programs like Early Childhood Care and Education, Supplementary Nutrition Program, Supplementary Education Classes, Health Care and Awareness and continued for a period of 5-6 years. Then started interventions to address the issue of Child Labour, which is a combination of service based, rights based, community based and with the component of policy advocacy. SNEHA is part of a network called Campaign Against Child Labour [CACL]-Karnataka and T. Ramanjaneya, Projects-Director is the Ballari district convener which is working on policy advocacy related to child labour. And SNEHA is also the part of a network called Network Against Trafficking [NAT]-Karnataka which is working to address the issue of sexual exploitation of children and women and for policies, programs in favour of them. From 2010 onwards SNEHA initiated a network of Devadasi women for policies and programs in favour of children and women from devadasi families. At present, programs implemented are a combination of service based, rights based, community based and with the component of policy advocacy.
All the projects implemented by SNEHA are implemented under the supervision, monitoring of Executive Director. Each project is taken care by a Project Coordinator with field staff. Accounts of all the projects are maintained in the field offices and consolidated at main office-Kudligi.
SNEHA ensure the involvement of community in project planning and evaluation exercises. It is working in a democratic way where all the Governing Board members and staff are involved in design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects.
SNEHA is following clearly written roles and responsibilities, duties of individual staff in the project/organisation. Day to day decisions on project implementation are decided by the Project Coordinator with the support of Project Director. Policy level decisions are decided in the Governing Board meetings of SNEHA.
Annual plans are prepared by involving all the project staff with the help of which monthly activity plans are prepared and are implemented. Individual staff monthly plans are drawn from the monthly project plan. Monthly project implementation reports are prepared. Staff meetings are used to discuss monthly plans and reports.
SNEHA is well known for systematic documentation of the projects at activity level-output level-outcome level. SNEHA Team is well experienced in community awareness programs in the form of street play, puppet show on issues-child labour, child marriage and dedication as devadasi etc.,
Majority of SNEHA Team working in the ongoing projects are from the beneficiary community. They have great concern and commitment for the community to whom they belong to. Staffs have 5-10 years of working experience in child rights protection, community organising and documentation of the project.